At The Bug Lady’s Science Academy, our Ladybugs embark on a journey of early learning exploration. Through our STEM-based curriculum, your toddler will develop observation, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. With a philosophy enriched in science, we encourage hands-on experiences, providing ample opportunities for your little one to explore, discover, and engage with our unique collection of 300+ animals and insects. Our Animal Sciences in Early Learning Program is tailored for their specific needs, offering hands-on experiences, up-close viewings, and active participation in caring for our animal friends.
In addition, we place a significant emphasis on nurturing your Ladybug's social-emotional and interpersonal skills. This crucial time sets the stage for emotional intelligence, empathy, and responsible decision-making. Enriching your child's life through creative experiences, we invite you to take a tour and learn more about our wonderful science-based program. Contact us to schedule a visit—we can't wait to meet your Ladybug!
Some of our program’s highlights that we offer.
Our Healthy food Plan
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